the LMO farmstand

Sustainable Shopping
The Little Moments Outside Farmstand

At The Little Moments Outside Farmstand every purchase is a vote for nature, sustainability, connection, and community. When you pull your car over to grab some eggs for breakfast and flowers for a friend, you’re modeling important lessons for the wildlings in the backseat.
The Little Moments Outside Farmstand is easy to find at the intersection of Ryan Way and Highway 175, near Wasson Vet Clinic, in Lakeport, CA.
Our honor-system, self-serve farmstand is open (tbd). Shopping from our stand is simple, safe, and convenient. Simply shop, calculate your total, and put your money in the lock box. We accept cash or Venmo @littlemomentsoutside.

Fresh duck and chicken eggs, fruits, vegetables, baked goods, honey, flowers, seeds, and natural home and skin care products.
Did you stop by and love what you found? Please share and tag us! @littlemomentsoutside